What to Expect

 Some basic answers to questions you may have to help you feel comfortable when you visit.

  • What's a service like? At St. Paul's we use the wonderful Lutheran Service Book for our order of worship as we come to receive God's gifts.
  • What's the music like? The Congregation sings hymns out of the hymnal, the pastor sometimes chants the liturgy and we occassionally have special music.
  • What should I wear? You are welcome in any kind of attire in which you are loving your neighbor as yourself. Some people will wear suits, others will wear a casual shirt and pants, etc.
  • What about my kids? Children are always welcome to attend the full service. They are invited to stay with parents to learn the liturgy and to hear God's Word. We aslo have a nursery available that includes a speaker so that parents of little children can hear the service.
  • Can I take communion? The Lord's Supper is the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and is for the members of St. Paul's and churches we are in fellowship with. If you are a visitor you are encouraged to speak to Pastor before the service and he can help answer any questions you have. He is available in the Narthex usually 20 minutes before the service begins.
  • How can I get connected? The best way to get connected is to just come and say "Hi" and we can introduce ourselves to you.
  • Where do I park? Parking is available in our lot. Wheelchair access is provided.
  • I have difficulty seeing. Large print bulletins are available and the service will be on a screen.
